Good ole Rev. Boetcker gave us some tenets a long time ago (about 100 years ago, give or take a few) that were appropriate for the country at the time. For review:
- You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
- You cannot strengthen the weak by tearing down the strong.
- You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
- You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
- You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
- You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
- You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
- You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
- You cannot build character and courage by destroying men’s initiative and independence.
- And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
Back in those days, the whole concept of responsibility and accountability was much different than what we practice today. Thus, I propose a revision to good ole Rev. Boetcker’s “cannots”. Let’s just call it a “new revised edition”:
- You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging the practice of saving money.
- You cannot strengthen the weak by destroying the strong.
- You cannot help unsuccessful people by destroying successful people.
- You cannot lift wage workers from poverty by destroying the ones who can afford to pay them.
- You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
- You cannot establish financial security and financial independence by borrowing money.
- You cannot improve society by encouraging and inciting class and race hatred.
- You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
- You cannot build character and courage by destroying a person’s initiative and independence.
- And you cannot help people by fixing problems they can and should fix themselves.
There are a few more that could be added these days for specificity, but this should prove the point in today’s society. Please keep in mind this is my interpretation…feel free to come up with your own version if you like!